Browse to the ISO file, which is in the Hiren’s Boot folder. Once open, hit on the ‘Browse’ button, which is situated near the ‘FileImage’ box. To create the disc using the software in the ZIP folder, open the BurnCDCC.exe file. Once you have your software ready, open the program and follow the steps for the tool you’re using to create a bootable disc. You can also use the basic burner that is included in the ZIP folder if you don’t want to be fussed with multiple downloads.
Windows has built-in utilities that allow you to burn files to a disc, or you can use third-party software made specifically for burning data onto a CD or DVD.
If you want to do that, then you should insert a blank recordable CD into your computer. For starters, you can just burn it to a CD. There are a few ways to burn the Hiren’s tool to a CD.
#Easy to boot hirens zip file#
The image is a large 592 MB file, so it might take some time depending on your network speed-be patient! As soon as the ZIP file download is complete, extract its contents. Hit the green “DOWNLOAD NOW” button to start the download. You can download theHiren’s Boot CD ZIP file from here. But, don’t worry – the process is not that hard, and I am here to guide you every step of the way. You must first download the image and burn it to a blank CD or DVD. You don’t-and can’t-“install” Hiren’s Boot CD.
#Easy to boot hirens how to#
Interested? Here’s how to use it How to create Hiren’s Boot CD There are a number of useful tools installed that are divided into different categories depending on your computer’s problem. If you ever have issues like your hard drive failing, your computer catching nasty viruses, you forgetting your password and not knowing how to recover it, or accidentally losing all the data, then Hiren’s Boot CD will be a godsend for you. Hiren’s has numerous Windows repair tools installed so that you can boot into your computer as easy as possible. It is an all-in-one rescue disc solution which is crucial if your PC tends to break down a lot. Let’s go!įirst, let me explain what the Boot CD is, essentially. I am going to tell you what it does and why you have to download it this very second. If you’ve never heard of a thing called Hiren’s Boot CD, then you’re in the right place.